15 Eylül 2006 Cuma

Samsun Tütünü Camel Sigaralarında

Camel Samsun

Bizim tiryakilerimiz yabancı sigara sevdasında,  yabancı sigaralar Samsun tütününün...  Lüks Sigaralar Pazarı ve Samsun menşeli Türk tütünüyle harmanlanmış Camel Sigarası. (Her ne kadar sigara içimini tasvip etmesek de... Çünkü sigara insan sağlığına zararlıdır.)

Luxury Cigarettes Targeting Cigarettes' Big Spenders
Matthews describes the new product line as, "Made of the finest tobacco available to the company. It is based on the traditional Camel blend of Turkish and oriental tobaccos. Nine flavors are available: Mandarin Mints (citrus flavor with menthol), Samsun (delicate flavor made with Samsun tobacco from Asia), Basma (spicy, woodsy flavor), Twists (non-menthol citrus), Izmir Stinger (to accompany after-dinner libations), Crema (hint of vanilla, creamy), and Dark Mint (hints of chocolate and mint). Lastly, Rare and Rare Menthol are only offered once a year, "because we use the top 1% of tobacco available to RJR," says Matthews.

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